Thursday 5 April 2007

15 vs 21 points

Here's something that I've been wondering recently.

How many people actually play the "new" 21-point system that is adopted by the BWF? I tried it once and I have to admit that it's confusing especially when playing doubles. Maybe it's because I am used to the 15-point system ever since I started playing this game. The new rule is that there's only one server at one time per team (no 2nd server) and every point being played counts towards the score.

Several drawbacks of the 21-point system includes difficulties in keeping scores and determine who serves next and who stands where. The other drawback (which I personally think is a major one), is that there's no "breathing space" where you can actually catch up if you are behind. There's no mercy for late starters. Part of the fun in badminton in the 15-pt system is that even you are 6-14 behind, there is actually still a chance to win the set. This chance depletes quickly if every point counts.

I guess some people do like the new system to save time (since sets is quicker) and rewards the players playing "steady" from the get-go.

Which one do Bruneian badminton players generally prefer?


Redvaee said...

Jester, i agree. The 21 points system in truth is totally alien to normal or should i say "classic" players all around. To be honest, i was actually flabbergasted that the Badminton World Federation gave the thumbs up for such a change to occur in the first place. (You can imagine my reaction to the short-lived 11 pts system!!!)

But to be fair, i did try to understand the system initially and had a fair share of discussions/arguments here and thereabouts with other badminton enthusiasts. One thing is for sure though, most people agreed that the 15 points system has always been the tried and trusted formula. Obviously as Jester earlier mentioned, whether you're charging in with an offensive mentality or riding the storm with a defensive mindset the 15 pts system ensures the pace, the balance of play and most of all, the fun!

I mean, what would you rather experience? A dramatic deuce play at 14-14 to ensure whose mentality, strategy, coolness, technique and nerves stands out in the end? Or the thrill of smashing/pummelling/overwhelming your opponent at 18-5 to show your superior power and speed? Both sides have their fair share of positives but there's no denying the fact that the badminton golden era of the past took place when the 15 pts system was in use.

Jester said...

Who could forget the 11-pt system? That was a disaster. A match would be over before anybody realise what was happening.

I say we stick to the 15-pt system. It fair and favours both the offensive and defensive players.

One of these days, i'll put a web-poll to see whether the majority agrees.